Inter-Valley Trade accounts (IVT) reflects the net balance of surface water volume that has been temporary traded or tagged traded out of a particular water source at any point in time. All categories of licence permitted to trade can affect the IVT balance.
These IVT's are in place for numerous reasons, including:
- Preservation of the Environment
- Keeping enough water in particular rivers and valleys
- Reducing unseasonal high flows
The main inter-valley trade restrictions are between:
- The Murrumbidgee and Murray River (Murrumbidgee IVT)
- The Barmah Choke, in the Barmah-Millewa Forest (Barmah Choke IVT)
- The Goulburn to Murray River (Goulburn IVT)
- The Lower Darling to Murray River (Lower Darling IVT)