Waterfind was grateful for the opportunity to provide input into the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission's (ACCC) Murray-Darling Basin water market inquiry (Inquiry).
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) conducted an inquiry into markets for tradeable water rights in the Murray-Darling Basin, consulting with a wide range of water market participants involved in water markets in the Murray-Darling Basin in October 2019.
The ACCC will release an interim report on the inquiry in May 2020 and the final report in November 2020.
We conducted our own analysis, reviewing the public submissions, to highlight common themes and key issues raised by stakeholder type, level of support for or against reform and solutions suggested. At the time we conducted our review, there were 121 submissions in total made to the ACCC Murray-Darling Basin Water Markets Inquiry.
Four key observations have been observed from the report: