CMGR 1.532%
CAGR 19.098%
Value of Market (as of Oct ’23): $396,292,500
In the Lower Lachlan Groundwater area, groundwater is managed through Aquifer Water Access Licences (WAL). Each share component on a WAL equals one megalitre of water and is drawn from a bore owned by the land holder. There are 88 Aquifer WALs in the Lower Lachlan area with a total water entitlement of 105,678ML. Groundwater is used to supplement surface water licenses for various agricultural purposes, including lucerne, wheat, cotton, dairying, beef, grapes, canola, citrus, and vegetables.
Lachlan Valley Groundwater shows the highest growth in the valley. Comparing this to the national index, there is almost 2x value of the Lachlan GS as compared to National index. The Lachlan groundwater shows a pronounced steady trend over the past 9 year period.